Tx1000 Video Transmitter
Our Tx1000 Video Transmitter is a must for serious cinematographers, camera assistants, rental houses and production companies who insist on clean, clear images from their video assist without the hassle of keeping a hardwire connected to the camera.
*Operation of this device in the U.S. is not FCC approved. This unit is intended for export only.

- Channel 14, 15, 16, 17,18 - Selectable at time of purchase
- Wide input voltage allows the use on all types of motion picture cameras: 11.5V to 32V
- Low current draw assures minimal impact on camera batteries: Approx. 150mA
- 1V pk-pk NTSC or PAL input
- Approx .25W output
- Seperate female chassis mount power connector allows for individual power cables
configured for different cameras - Rugged all cast aluminum case - 2.4" x 4.4" x 1.2"

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